Cmb HD wallpapers

In compilation for wallpaper for Cmb, we have 21 images.

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Cmb, Anime wallpapers

updated 11 month 24 day ago

Cmb #1

 | 1920 x 960px 2317.65KB  | Cosmic microwave background seen by Planck

Cmb #2

 | 2000 x 1018px 1842.35KB  | (1.80 MB)

Cmb #3

 | 1280 x 832px 204.68KB  | File:CMB Timeline300 no WMAP.jpg

Cmb #4

 | 2198 x 1274px 1278.15KB  | File:WMAP image of the CMB anisotropy.jpg

Cmb #5

 | 2284 x 2284px 550.09KB  | Stuff to download

Cmb #6

 | 3410 x 1705px 4746.66KB  | ... Cmb ...

Cmb #7

 | 2306 x 1430px 4484.5KB  | Joint WMAP9 and Planck PR1 CMB map

Cmb #8

 | 2213 x 911px 788.28KB  | Reconstructed mean and r.m.s. maps for the CMB, low frequency foreground amplitude and spectral index. Here, no mask was used and the CMB is fitted ...

Cmb #9

 | 2048 x 1024px 3444.59KB  | CMB Foregrounds: Anomalous Microwave Emission

Cmb #10

 | 3070 x 1916px 7450.68KB  | Click to download high-resolution image

Cmb #11

 | 300 x 150px 95.86KB  | All-sky map of the CMB, created from 9 years of WMAP data

Cmb #12

 | 703 x 400px 65.54KB  | All-sky CMB survey made by Planck

Cmb #13

 | 305 x 352px 91.29KB  | Map of the CMB created from data gathered by the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP).

Cmb #14

 | 350 x 300px 38.02KB  | CMB v. Earth

Cmb #15

 | 820 x 443px 127.03KB  | CMB at different resolutions.

Cmb #16

 | 600 x 300px 170.44KB  | LensPix: Fast MPI full sky transforms for HEALPix

Cmb #17

 | 400 x 200px 169.55KB  | ESA researchers spent two years carrying out a full scientific analysis of their data.. In the new results, pictured at the left, cosmologists have used 15 ...

Cmb #18

 | 500 x 252px 62.04KB  | Preview of Planck CMB map

Cmb #19

 | 1024 x 512px 380.5KB  | Anisotropy in the CMB

Cmb #20

 | 763 x 381px 337.13KB  | WOMBAT Challenge simulation of CMB anisotropy map that might be observed by the MAP satellite at 90 GHz, 13' resolution, containing CMB, instrument noise, ...

Cmb #21

 | 800 x 440px 145.6KB  | The figure shows coherent simulations of an ISW map (top panel), a CMB map including the ISW effect (middle panel) and a catalogue of galaxies (bottom ...

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