Left 4 Dead HD wallpapers

In compilation for wallpaper for Left 4 Dead, we have 23 images.

We determined that these pictures can also depict a Left 4 Dead 2.

You can install this wallpaper on your desktop or on your mobile phone and other gadgets that support wallpaper.

Left 4 Dead, Humor wallpapers

updated 10 month 8 day ago

Left 4 Dead #1

 | 1440 x 900px 217.44KB  | 

Left 4 Dead #2

 | 1440 x 900px 201.63KB  | Left 4 Dead

Left 4 Dead #3

 | 1600 x 900px 338.69KB  | LEFT 4 DEAD 2-Hit2k

Left 4 Dead #4

 | 1920 x 1193px 1271.71KB  | 

Left 4 Dead #5

 | 1680 x 1050px 1511.21KB  | 

Left 4 Dead #6

 | 1920 x 1200px 612.85KB  | 

Left 4 Dead #7

 | 2560 x 1600px 2416.17KB  | left-4-dead-screenshot-8 ...

Left 4 Dead #8

 | 3500 x 1969px 5638.79KB  | 

Left 4 Dead #9

 | 1920 x 1200px 1401.34KB  | ... Preview Left 4 Dead

Left 4 Dead #10

 | 1680 x 1050px 853.44KB  | 

Left 4 Dead #11

 | 460 x 215px 55.99KB  | From Valve (the creators of Counter-Strike, Half-Life and more) comes Left 4 Dead, a co-op action horror game for the PC and Xbox 360 that casts up to four ...

Left 4 Dead #12

 | 280 x 389px 74.71KB  | 

Left 4 Dead #13

 | 460 x 215px 38.31KB  | Set in the zombie apocalypse, Left 4 Dead 2 (L4D2) is the highly anticipated sequel to the award-winning Left 4 Dead, the #1 co-op game of 2008.

Left 4 Dead #14

 | 768 x 432px 49.88KB  | According to a few online leaks, we should be looking at a 2016 release date for Left 4 Dead 3. However, seeing as we've had no official confirmation from ...

Left 4 Dead #15

 | 1191 x 670px 130.79KB  | 

Left 4 Dead #16

 | 300 x 224px 72.94KB  | The final design of the survivors, shown on the poster for the "No Mercy" campaign. Left to right: Francis, Bill, Zoey, Louis

Left 4 Dead #17

 | 849 x 282px 200.88KB  | 

Left 4 Dead #18

 | 768 x 432px 800.96KB  | Although we've loved all eight of the Left 4 Dead characters over the years, there's scope to introduce a little more character customisation in Left 4 Dead ...

Left 4 Dead #19

 | 640 x 360px 25.76KB  | Santa's Elves (CI) Keep Staying Puft

Left 4 Dead #20

 | 1280 x 720px 147.81KB  | Valve employee accidentally leaks Left 4 Dead 3

Left 4 Dead #21

 | 590 x 306px 37.04KB  | left 4 dead

Left 4 Dead #22

 | 534 x 235px 33.04KB  | Helping to take L4D's frantic, action-packed gameplay to the next level is AI Director 2.0. This improved Director has the ability to procedurally change ...

Left 4 Dead #23

 | 550 x 309px 43.52KB  | Could the Left 4 Dead series see its Nintendo debut on Wii U?

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