Leh Palace HD wallpapers

In compilation for wallpaper for Leh Palace, we have 25 images.

We determined that these pictures can also depict a China, Leh Palace, Tibet.

You can install this wallpaper on your desktop or on your mobile phone and other gadgets that support wallpaper.

Leh Palace, Man Made wallpapers

updated 10 month 11 day ago

Leh Palace #1

 | 760 x 506px 118.71KB  | The Royal Leh Palace

Leh Palace #2

 | 700 x 410px 111.32KB  | Leh Palace in Leh

Leh Palace #3

 | 800 x 396px 62.49KB  | 

Leh Palace #4

 | 1024 x 573px 220.86KB  | The ASI considers the palace to be one of its most important buildings. It is vital to archaeologists' understanding of just how advanced the structural ...

Leh Palace #5

 | 520 x 347px 49.58KB  | Leh Palace.

Leh Palace #6

 | 300 x 151px 7.16KB  | Leh palace lit in night on the Galdan Namchot festival.

Leh Palace #7

 | 800 x 534px 203.09KB  | Leh Palace - Leh, Jammu and Kashmir

Leh Palace #8

 | 1024 x 539px 199.36KB  | Image Credit Flickr User Lesseum

Leh Palace #9

 | 550 x 268px 20.45KB  | 

Leh Palace #10

 | 800 x 531px 102.69KB  | leh palace

Leh Palace #11

 | 700 x 525px 81.03KB  | Image Credit: http://culturalsindia.blogspot.in/2011/09/leh-palace.html

Leh Palace #12

 | 800 x 531px 141.9KB  | leh palace

Leh Palace #13

 | 550 x 412px 50.36KB  | Padma Guest House & Hotel: Leh Palace

Leh Palace #14

 | 300 x 200px 23.17KB  | Leh Palace

Leh Palace #15

 | 616 x 282px 57.87KB  | Leh Palace

Leh Palace #16

 | 3888 x 2592px 2402.16KB  | File:Leh Palace from market.JPG

Leh Palace #17

 | 4288 x 2856px 1368.3KB  | File:Leh Palace (Eastern side).jpg

Leh Palace #18

 | 2560 x 1920px 2521.9KB  | File:Leh-Palace.JPG

Leh Palace #19

 | 1395 x 900px 252.77KB  | Beautiful Picture Of The Leh Palace In Leh

Leh Palace #20

 | 3264 x 2176px 2153KB  | File:Leh Palace Leh.JPG

Leh Palace #21

 | 1920 x 1080px 145.25KB  | 

Leh Palace #22

 | 1200 x 900px 302.28KB  | Conservation team with local artisans, 2005

Leh Palace #23

 | 1500 x 1044px 759.71KB  | File:Leh Palace, Leh, Ladakh.jpg

Leh Palace #24

 | 1920 x 973px 2248.45KB  | File:Leh Palace.jpg

Leh Palace #25

 | 1600 x 1071px 231.56KB  | 

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