M3 Lee HD wallpapers

In compilation for wallpaper for M3 Lee, we have 24 images.

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M3 Lee, Military wallpapers

updated 11 month 24 day ago

M3 Lee #1

 | 801 x 480px 193.99KB  | Medium Tank M3 Lee.

M3 Lee #2

 | 800 x 800px 131.08KB  | M3 Lee Tank

M3 Lee #3

 | 900 x 585px 49.71KB  | ... undefined

M3 Lee #4

 | 457 x 251px 169.57KB  | 

M3 Lee #5

 | 220 x 173px 17.56KB  | Chrysler plant manufacturing the M3 Lee.

M3 Lee #6

 | 304 x 200px 28.9KB  | Medium Tank M3A1 Lee at the US Army Ordnance Museum

M3 Lee #7

 | 700 x 467px 68.15KB  | 

M3 Lee #8

 | 220 x 166px 6.96KB  | British M3 Grant (left) and Lee (right) at El Alamein (Egypt), in the Sahara Desert, 1942, showing differences between the British turret and the original ...

M3 Lee #9

 | 300 x 250px 86.34KB  | M3 Lee

M3 Lee #10

 | 508 x 372px 25.19KB  | M3 lee will never be dangerous.

M3 Lee #11

 | 600 x 386px 52.46KB  | A M3A1 Lee (cast, smooth hull model). These models seem to have been too costly to be built en masse at the time. Progress would be made preceding the start ...

M3 Lee #12

 | 300 x 208px 15.08KB  | Medium Tank M3, Fort Knox, June 1942

M3 Lee #13

 | 800 x 538px 102.1KB  | A bit of history

M3 Lee #14

 | 547 x 348px 24.14KB  | M3 Lee

M3 Lee #15

 | 3840 x 2160px 1348.62KB  | Steel Generals: M3 Lee

M3 Lee #16

 | 2816 x 2112px 2769.66KB  | 

M3 Lee #17

 | 2032 x 1524px 984.58KB  | 

M3 Lee #18

 | 2816 x 2112px 2893.05KB  | 

M3 Lee #19

 | 1275 x 935px 126.64KB  | M3 Lee captured in Tunisia DAK Afrika Korps

M3 Lee #20

 | 1300 x 918px 140.01KB  | American WW2 M3 Lee medium tank Stock Vector - 19494014

M3 Lee #21

 | 1920 x 1080px 1366.2KB  | [​IMG]

M3 Lee #22

 | 1170 x 907px 155.59KB  | M3_Lee_Tank_Goes_Airborne_on_Obstacle_Course1 M3 Lee ...

M3 Lee #23

 | 1292 x 882px 221.56KB  | 

M3 Lee #24

 | 1230 x 908px 207.36KB  | File:M3-Lee-latrun-2.jpg

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