Munin HD wallpapers

In compilation for wallpaper for Munin, we have 26 images.

You can install this wallpaper on your desktop or on your mobile phone and other gadgets that support wallpaper.

Munin, Video Game wallpapers

updated 1 month 11 day ago

Munin #1

 | 1024 x 720px 428.49KB  | Munin_21

Munin #2

 | 591 x 548px 193.74KB  | dynamic01.png​ (193.7 ...

Munin #3

 | 1005 x 635px 96.8KB  | How to Monitor Your Rails/Passenger App with Munin

Munin #4

 | 678 x 600px 206.67KB  | 

Munin #5

 | 1023 x 754px 76.9KB  | 

Munin #6

 | 1056 x 675px 91.07KB  | My Munin Theme: Raven

Munin #7

 | 305 x 80px 4.73KB  | 

Munin #8

 | 660 x 893px 363.58KB  | Processes munin-processes-report

Munin #9

 | 506 x 667px 18.55KB  | 

Munin #10

 | 640 x 556px 71.74KB  | screenshot collage

Munin #11

 | 483 x 294px 130.93KB  | 

Munin #12

 | 600 x 362px 212.85KB  | Figure 3: Check MuninExchange for plugins by other Munin users.

Munin #13

 | 493 x 346px 12.23KB  | And the bind_rndc plugin:

Munin #14

 | 220 x 181px 40.92KB  | Example graph produced by Munin showing memory usage

Munin #15

 | 1099 x 897px 49.03KB  | munin system monitor

Munin #16

 | 1600 x 852px 179.57KB  | Munin Graph.

Munin #17

 | 1044 x 828px 106.07KB  | Munin node page

Munin #18

 | 1027 x 832px 82.86KB  | With munin and the bundled apache plugin for it, you get the following metrics for free:

Munin #19

 | 1600 x 852px 190.76KB  | Munin Graph.

Munin #20

 | 1277 x 935px 224.37KB  | What you'll get

Munin #21

 | 1280 x 771px 225.67KB  | Ok ...

Munin #22

 | 1280 x 771px 207.68KB  | Ok ...

Munin #23

 | 2034 x 1368px 551.02KB  | munin-node spamstats

Munin #24

 | 1258 x 956px 94.25KB  | Munin Web Interface

Munin #25

 | 1200 x 1758px 55.39KB  | 

Munin #26

 | 1044 x 828px 116.45KB  | Munin system graphs

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