Panzer IV HD wallpapers

In compilation for wallpaper for Panzer IV, we have 27 images.

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Panzer IV, Military wallpapers

updated 11 month 25 day ago

Panzer IV #1

 | 650 x 336px 71.84KB  | Surviving German Panzer IV Ausf G tank panzerkampfwagen 4 Sd.Kfz.161

Panzer IV #2

 | 600 x 405px 47.19KB  | With the bigger gun came better armour and this lead through to the Ausf H in 1944, and the Panzer IV would remain a potent armoured vehicle until the end ...

Panzer IV #3

 | 798 x 542px 252.58KB  | View all (14) images

Panzer IV #4

 | 729 x 464px 29.82KB  | A PzKpfw IV Ausf. H of the 12th Panzer Division operating on the Western Front, 1944 (Bundesarchiv, Bild 101I-297-1722-24 / Kurth)

Panzer IV #5

 | 1200 x 636px 512.28KB  | Panzer IV Ausf.J at the Parola Museum

Panzer IV #6

 | 1000 x 553px 129.2KB  | Panzer IV G in North Africa

Panzer IV #7

 | 702 x 315px 156.66KB  | Panzer IV Ausf.A on trials, 1938

Panzer IV #8

 | 475 x 353px 22.79KB  | Panzer IV Ausf D

Panzer IV #9

 | 220 x 153px 7.89KB  | Panzer IV Ausf. C 1943

Panzer IV #10

 | 220 x 201px 11.36KB  | A Panzer IV Ausf. G of the 1st SS Panzer Division "Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler" near the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, 1942.

Panzer IV #11

 | 450 x 266px 16.41KB  | Panzer IV Ausf H

Panzer IV #12

 | 470 x 337px 22.13KB  | Panzer IV Ausf F2

Panzer IV #13

 | 657 x 325px 171.88KB  | Panzer IV Ausf.D on trials, 1940

Panzer IV #14

 | 220 x 152px 11.48KB  | A PzKpfw IV Ausf. H of the 12th Panzer Division carrying Schürzen skirting operating on the Eastern Front in the USSR, 1944.

Panzer IV #15

 | 300 x 200px 17.43KB  | Panzerkampfwagen IV. SdKfz161-1-1.jpg

Panzer IV #16

 | 500 x 281px 24.34KB  | Panzer IV Ausf E

Panzer IV #17

 | 220 x 165px 10.46KB  | The 1942 Panzer IV Ausf. F2 was an upgrade of the Ausf. F, fitted with the KwK 40 L/43 anti-tank gun to counter Soviet T-34 medium and KV heavy tanks.

Panzer IV #18

 | 1024 x 768px 244.5KB  | Panzer IV ...

Panzer IV #19

 | 2500 x 1934px 644.9KB  | Destroyed Panzer IV France 1944

Panzer IV #20

 | 4363 x 3188px 3386.81KB  | 

Panzer IV #21

 | 2000 x 1209px 200.54KB  | knocked out Panzer IV ausf B of the 1. Panzer-Division

Panzer IV #22

 | 1553 x 1031px 246.74KB  | Panzer IV tanks winter rail transport

Panzer IV #23

 | 2560 x 1920px 577.72KB  | 

Panzer IV #24

 | 1450 x 1108px 859.22KB  | 1000+ images about PANZER IV on Pinterest | Ww2 tanks, Search and Panzer iv

Panzer IV #25

 | 1906 x 1080px 117.17KB  | 

Panzer IV #26

 | 1280 x 960px 341.87KB  | 

Panzer IV #27

 | 2100 x 1500px 158.35KB  | The Portola Valley Almanac is reporting that the lawsuit against the Collings Foundation brought by Vulcan Warbirds over ownership of a Panzer IV tank ...

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