Sergeant Stubby HD wallpapers

In compilation for wallpaper for Sergeant Stubby, we have 27 images.

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Sergeant Stubby, Military wallpapers

updated 11 month 25 day ago

Sergeant Stubby #1

 | 1600 x 1188px 414.77KB  | Sergeant Stubby

Sergeant Stubby #2

 | 1920 x 1080px 126.34KB  | Sergeant Stubby - Video Learning -

Sergeant Stubby #3

 | 1200 x 799px 39.21KB  | 

Sergeant Stubby #4

 | 1621 x 908px 317.41KB  | 

Sergeant Stubby #5

 | 1024 x 768px 150.58KB  | Stubby as seen today in the Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C.

Sergeant Stubby #6

 | 1400 x 1550px 555.33KB  | "Sgt. Jiggs." The Marine Corps mascot in Washington, D.C.

Sergeant Stubby #7

 | 4000 x 3000px 1075.02KB  | Meet America 's first war dog, a stray Pit Bull/Terrier mix, named Stubby. He became Sgt. Stubby, was the most decorated war dog of World War I and the only ...

Sergeant Stubby #8

 | 3102 x 2388px 904.89KB  | To View Larger Version of this Artwork

Sergeant Stubby #9

 | 574 x 480px 45.81KB  | 

Sergeant Stubby #10

 | 590 x 529px 382.4KB  | America's original dog of war fought bravely on the Western Front—then helped the nation forget the Great War's terrible human toll.

Sergeant Stubby #11

 | 220 x 175px 10.84KB  | Sergeant Stubby wearing his coat and medals

Sergeant Stubby #12

 | 300 x 236px 11.5KB  | Stubby

Sergeant Stubby #13

 | 800 x 1097px 108.36KB  | Sgt. Stubby

Sergeant Stubby #14

 | 590 x 407px 199.39KB  | Stubby among his buddies leading a Legion Parade. Sergeant ...

Sergeant Stubby #15

 | 400 x 321px 51.35KB  | Sergeant Stubby

Sergeant Stubby #16

 | 397 x 431px 32.25KB  | Sgt. #Stubby, the stray #pit bull mix who became the most decorated

Sergeant Stubby #17

 | 590 x 421px 189.39KB  | 140507_HIST_Stubby-04_PershingMedal Gen. John Pershing awards Sergeant Stubby ...

Sergeant Stubby #18

 | 349 x 300px 83.01KB  | Stubby joined up. One morning a bugle sounded the departure from camp. Crammed into a train loaded with equipment, he was started South.

Sergeant Stubby #19

 | 660 x 429px 116.82KB  | In the “Devil Dog” sidebar of my post about BSL last week, I alluded to the fact that Sergeant Stubby, a pit bull mix, was the most decorated dog in ...

Sergeant Stubby #20

 | 350 x 532px 225.13KB  | Photograph of "Stubby" and J. Robert Conroy. France, March,. Sergeant Stubby ...

Sergeant Stubby #21

 | 412 x 215px 49.83KB  | Sergeant Stubby's brick at the Liberty Memorial

Sergeant Stubby #22

 | 625 x 345px 47.07KB  | View this image ›

Sergeant Stubby #23

 | 583 x 390px 110.17KB  | Sergeant Stubby leads a military parade (Public Domain)

Sergeant Stubby #24

 | 581 x 823px 125.52KB  | Jack Brutus

Sergeant Stubby #25

 | 304 x 435px 34.46KB  | Theatre poster starring Stubby

Sergeant Stubby #26

 | 590 x 421px 165.59KB  | 140507_HIST_Stubby-07_MissLouise Miss Louise Johnson and Sergeant Stubby ...

Sergeant Stubby #27

 | 600 x 475px 164.96KB  | SGT Stubby 08

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