Sks HD wallpapers

In compilation for wallpaper for Sks, we have 30 images.

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Sks, Weapons wallpapers

updated 11 month 25 day ago

Sks #1

 | 2600 x 1463px 2916.58KB  | Weapons - SKS Rifle Wallpaper

Sks #2

 | 596 x 380px 152.57KB  | Wallpaper carbine, sks, bullpup, weapons, timber

Sks #3

 | 1600 x 1200px 301.44KB  | Weapons - SKS Rifle Wallpaper

Sks #4

 | 1280 x 720px 179.78KB  | With CTR stock and hogue grip:

Sks #5

 | 620 x 277px 60.39KB  | 2008_1215guns0010.jpg Russian vs Chinese SKS.-2009_05060001.jpg

Sks #6

 | 1200 x 413px 68.75KB  | Field strip the SKS rifle into its major components for cleaning.

Sks #7

 | 220 x 130px 6.09KB  | An SKS-type bayonet in its closed (folded back) and open positions

Sks #8

 | 800 x 338px 17.96KB  | SKS 7.62x.39. This is probably the ultimate survival weapon! - Thrifty, robust, and with enough weight in the bullet to take down large game. There…

Sks #9

 | 618 x 343px 12.56KB  | nornico_sks_stripper-clips1 norinco_sks_a1 nornico_sks1 nornico_sks_bayonet1

Sks #10

 | 200 x 67px 2.76KB  |

Sks #11

 | 800 x 346px 143.71KB  | Yugo SKS Rifle - C&R Eligible | SKS | Pinterest | Rifles, Autos and Search

Sks #12

 | 500 x 171px 14.8KB  | Russian hunting carbine OP-SKS, civil version of SKS - 7.62x39mm

Sks #13

 | 1245 x 597px 632.39KB  | Yugoslavian SKS M59/66 with the muzzle formed into a spigot-type grenade launcher, and folded down grenade sight

Sks #14

 | 1000 x 183px 137.57KB  | 

Sks #15

 | 220 x 228px 12.87KB  | SKS with the magazine closed (top) and open. The magazine release is circled.

Sks #16

 | 500 x 159px 16.51KB  | Chinese SKS-63 with a 20-inch barrel - 7.62x39mm

Sks #17

 | 512 x 256px 26.66KB  | INS SKS

Sks #18

 | 220 x 144px 4.47KB  | Soviet AK-47 without magazine (top), and a Simonov SKS (bottom) with bayonet folded back, both 7.62×39mm.

Sks #19

 | 300 x 132px 8.24KB  | SKS - Ryssland - AM.045810.jpg

Sks #20

 | 500 x 212px 34.97KB  | SKS Montage comparing three major types

Sks #21

 | 4500 x 1684px 2388.68KB  | ... Sks ...

Sks #22

 | 3072 x 2304px 1399.27KB  | 8166905.jpg

Sks #23

 | 1849 x 953px 185.5KB  | NzqNYqE3RHQ.jpg

Sks #24

 | 5168 x 1214px 426.71KB  | SKS-KD

Sks #25

 | 4297 x 1691px 999.73KB  | Last week I ordered a Hand Select from the recent batch of "Excellent / Like New" SKS that Classic recently got in. Much cosmoline cleaning later:

Sks #26

 | 1920 x 1080px 423.66KB  | ... Chinese SKS--FDE Tapco stock w/ 30 rd mag

Sks #27

 | 3000 x 1343px 432.84KB  | ... Sks ...

Sks #28

 | 2500 x 808px 213.88KB  | SKS Kodiak Defense

Sks #29

 | 3000 x 2250px 413.64KB  | SKS For Sale 7.62 x 39 rifle AK47 mags

Sks #30

 | 1024 x 768px 140.88KB  | 

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