Stirling Bridge HD wallpapers

In compilation for wallpaper for Stirling Bridge, we have 27 images.

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Stirling Bridge, Man Made wallpapers

updated 10 month 3 day ago

Stirling Bridge #1

 | 1756 x 1240px 138.74KB  | sbridge

Stirling Bridge #2

 | 1913 x 827px 1481.17KB  | sGnfA0T.jpg

Stirling Bridge #3

 | 1600 x 959px 482.94KB  | Old Stirling Bridge in Scotland

Stirling Bridge #4

 | 1300 x 1156px 479.34KB  | Battle Stirling Bridge 1297 Andrew Moray William Wallace river crossing water Solider fighting battle war attack

Stirling Bridge #5

 | 1800 x 1165px 344.96KB  | StirlingBridge StirlingBridge2. The splendid Stirling Bridge ...

Stirling Bridge #6

 | 1830 x 1160px 392.33KB  | The splendid Stirling Bridge over the River Forth. The battle of Stirling Bridge (not actually at this location) was a famous victory of the Scots, ...

Stirling Bridge #7

 | 3764 x 2117px 4237.28KB  | File:Stirling bridge.jpg

Stirling Bridge #8

 | 6000 x 2555px 1023.02KB  | The first major defeat of the English in the Wars of Scottish Independence, the Battle of Stirling Bridge afforded Sir William Wallace the opportunity to ...

Stirling Bridge #9

 | 4358 x 2609px 2048.94KB  | By ...

Stirling Bridge #10

 | 5202 x 3465px 14293.09KB  | Stirling bridge reflection. 1614 Views

Stirling Bridge #11

 | 220 x 165px 9.8KB  | The present-day Stirling Bridge

Stirling Bridge #12

 | 220 x 152px 10.37KB  | A Victorian depiction of the battle. The bridge collapse suggests that the artist has been influenced by Blind Harry's account.

Stirling Bridge #13

 | 220 x 165px 12.87KB  | Stirling Bridge from the south bank of the River Forth with the Wallace Monument in the background

Stirling Bridge #14

 | 426 x 282px 167.04KB  | Stirling Bridge - Scotland

Stirling Bridge #15

 | 220 x 293px 17.81KB  | Old Stirling Bridge and the Abbey Craig with the Wallace Monument, Stirling Scotland.jpg

Stirling Bridge #16

 | 550 x 344px 40.81KB  | 

Stirling Bridge #17

 | 431 x 282px 29.68KB  | 

Stirling Bridge #18

 | 550 x 308px 83.26KB  | Stirling Bridge by Alex Hardie

Stirling Bridge #19

 | 320 x 209px 33.33KB  | Stirling Bridge where William Wallace and his outnumbered Scots defeated English forces in 1297

Stirling Bridge #20

 | 225 x 169px 12.14KB  | Old Stirling Bridge: Replacement for the Wooden Bridge Standing at the time of the Battle

Stirling Bridge #21

 | 350 x 196px 12.27KB  | Photograph Stirling Bridge Scotland

Stirling Bridge #22

 | 640 x 412px 71.29KB  | Historic Stirling Bridge Spanning The River Forth, City of Stirling, Scotland. - Stock

Stirling Bridge #23

 | 640 x 447px 106.05KB  | Historic Stirling Bridge Spanning The River Forth City of Stirling Scotland - Stock Image

Stirling Bridge #24

 | 745 x 390px 64.87KB  | Old Stirling Bridge

Stirling Bridge #25

 | 745 x 390px 60.03KB  | Old Stirling Bridge. *; *; *

Stirling Bridge #26

 | 488 x 301px 70.83KB  | Further information ...

Stirling Bridge #27

 | 750 x 563px 259.12KB  | Painting of a soldier in helmet and chain mail holding a spear

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