Svt-40 Rifle HD wallpapers

In compilation for wallpaper for Svt-40 Rifle, we have 29 images.

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Svt-40 Rifle, Weapons wallpapers

updated 11 month 25 day ago

Svt-40 Rifle #1

 | 350 x 219px 19.59KB  | HD Wallpaper | Background ID:291977. 1280x849 Weapons Tokarev Svt-40 Rifle

Svt-40 Rifle #2

 | 1920 x 1080px 358.81KB  | Rifles guns weapons ammunition svt-40 wallpaper

Svt-40 Rifle #3

 | 1600 x 1200px 445.84KB  | 

Svt-40 Rifle #4

 | 600 x 450px 117.15KB  | ... Deactivated Russian Tokarev SVT-40 semi-automatic assault rifle 1941 dated, with sniper

Svt-40 Rifle #5

 | 759 x 158px 15.9KB  | 

Svt-40 Rifle #6

 | 1500 x 413px 122.08KB  | Hunting with the SVT

Svt-40 Rifle #7

 | 1200 x 371px 108.42KB  | The SVT-40, below, is the Soviet counterpart to the M1 Garand.

Svt-40 Rifle #8

 | 424 x 550px 30.01KB  | СССР / Россия: Tokarev SVT-38, SVT-40

Svt-40 Rifle #9

 | 640 x 246px 18.83KB  | Tokarev SVT-40 rifle, manufactured in 1941 at the Tula factory. This rifle is the sniper version with the groove in the receiver for the scope mount.

Svt-40 Rifle #10

 | 719 x 248px 27.69KB  | 

Svt-40 Rifle #11

 | 740 x 187px 16.72KB  | 

Svt-40 Rifle #12

 | 953 x 648px 65.37KB  | 

Svt-40 Rifle #13

 | 550 x 205px 7.69KB  | SVT-40 Rifle

Svt-40 Rifle #14

 | 1022 x 243px 71.03KB  | [​IMG]

Svt-40 Rifle #15

 | 220 x 171px 14.28KB  | SVT-40

Svt-40 Rifle #16

 | 360 x 315px 43.48KB  | Variations. The SVT-40 ...

Svt-40 Rifle #17

 | 800 x 400px 62.76KB  | 

Svt-40 Rifle #18

 | 640 x 480px 34.71KB  | Soviet SVT 40 Tokarev Sniper Rifle

Svt-40 Rifle #19

 | 609 x 483px 54.43KB  | svt series2.jpg (55734 bytes)

Svt-40 Rifle #20

 | 3500 x 2333px 2525.66KB  | Anatomy Rifle USSR SVT-40

Svt-40 Rifle #21

 | 1916 x 1437px 239.25KB  | Click image for larger version. Name: IMGP0839.jpg Views: 2068 Size: ...

Svt-40 Rifle #22

 | 1400 x 933px 767.33KB  | The author's M305 rifle.

Svt-40 Rifle #23

 | 1600 x 1200px 246.3KB  | Re: SVT-40

Svt-40 Rifle #24

 | 2040 x 1360px 279.25KB  | The Mosin-Nagant 91/30 (top) remained the main battle rifle through World War II, but NCOs and elite forces were issued with the SVT-40 (bottom) – (Photo: ...

Svt-40 Rifle #25

 | 2040 x 1360px 297.64KB  | A comparison of the SVT-40 (top) with the SKS (bottom). It is easy to see that SVT design may have influenced the basic features of the SKS, ...

Svt-40 Rifle #26

 | 1600 x 1200px 275.58KB  | Lastly, just a shot of my rifle while I'm at it.

Svt-40 Rifle #27

 | 1280 x 853px 142.81KB  | 

Svt-40 Rifle #28

 | 1024 x 768px 66.27KB  | The SVT-40 was a Soviet semi-automatic rifle 7.62mm used during World War II from 1940. It was developed from the SVT-38 rifle, which had been designed by ...

Svt-40 Rifle #29

 | 2500 x 1455px 1385.79KB  | Самозарядная винтовка Токарева, образец 1940 года (SVT-40)

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