The Angelus HD wallpapers

In compilation for wallpaper for The Angelus, we have 29 images.

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The Angelus, Artistic wallpapers

updated 6 month 4 day ago

The Angelus #1

 | 473 x 455px 212.56KB  | The Angelus

The Angelus #2

 | 851 x 315px 216.07KB  | 

The Angelus #3

 | 592 x 525px 41.77KB  | The Angelus

The Angelus #4

 | 300 x 296px 98.58KB  | The Angelus

The Angelus #5

 | 261 x 400px 28KB  | The Angelus

The Angelus #6

 | 495 x 300px 55.97KB  | The Angelus Prayer

The Angelus #7

 | 320 x 197px 22.68KB  | The Angelus Prayer Card

The Angelus #8

 | 600 x 409px 81.08KB  | The Angelus (L'Angelus) is an oil painting by French painter Jean-

The Angelus #9

 | 220 x 321px 14.75KB  | The Angelus - Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Angelus #10

 | 265 x 301px 55.53KB  | The origin of the Angelus is unclear. However, it is known that praying the Hail Mary three times in the evening hours dates back to the early 14th century.

The Angelus #11

 | 600 x 600px 56.98KB  | The Angelus. Mini Print. Click here for larger picture

The Angelus #12

 | 400 x 311px 45.13KB  | The Angelus, via Fallible Blogma:

The Angelus #13

 | 640 x 365px 62.58KB  | This can be seen in the Angelus which contains and translates into words the wisdom of the ages.

The Angelus #14

 | 720 x 661px 40.72KB  | The Angelus

The Angelus #15

 | 512 x 404px 81.53KB  | The Angelus

The Angelus #16

 | 240 x 320px 40.03KB  | The Angelus

The Angelus #17

 | 251 x 480px 33.09KB  | Angelus Bell

The Angelus #18

 | 240 x 200px 13.12KB  | The Angelus (1857–59) by Jean-François Millet

The Angelus #19

 | 260 x 182px 11.43KB  | THE ANGELUS

The Angelus #20

 | 868 x 720px 39.29KB  | THE ANGELUS

The Angelus #21

 | 1320 x 1600px 959.81KB  | The Angelus of Gala, 1935 - Salvador Dali

The Angelus #22

 | 1024 x 773px 167.82KB  | The Angelus (after Millet), 1880 - Vincent van Gogh

The Angelus #23

 | 1054 x 1600px 1083.34KB  | View all (14) images

The Angelus #24

 | 1500 x 1125px 335.57KB  | 

The Angelus #25

 | 1170 x 1461px 1995.47KB  | The Angelus

The Angelus #26

 | 1280 x 1793px 428.25KB  | The Angelus by diabolumberto The Angelus by diabolumberto

The Angelus #27

 | 1920 x 1080px 234.67KB  | 

The Angelus #28

 | 1024 x 828px 580.98KB  | 'The Angelus', 1857-1859, (1912). A colour print. '

The Angelus #29

 | 1350 x 1044px 478.83KB  | Angelus heritage by nebezial

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